Do you need a list of would you rather questions for your boyfriend?
If you’re not familiar with the would you rather questions game, it’s pretty simple: you ask someone if they’d rather do this or that. Or, be this person or that person. Or, eat this or eat that … The possibilities are endless.
The beauty of the would you rather game is that it’s super easy to play, always ends up being funny, and you can play it anywhere and at any time.
Also, it can give you some unique insights into the mind of the person that you’re quizzing, which makes it an amazing game to play with your boyfriend.
You get to find out if he would rather go watch sport with his friends or go dancing with you? OK … so you might not want to know the answer to that particular question!
However, coming up with fun would you rather questions for your boyfriend could be a bit tasking. Usually, after some minutes you run out of fun questions to ask.
To help you out, we have compiled a list of the funniest, hardest, craziest, and sweetest would you rather questions for your boyfriend.
Arm yourself with these questions and set on a voyage of discovery with your boyfriend.
So let me ask, would you rather sit around bored, or ask your boyfriend questions from this list of would you rather questions for boyfriends?
Good or Clean Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriends

Hit your boyfriend up with some of these good or clean ‘would you rather’, questions instead. It’ll still be more fun than Netflix, and it’s guaranteed to be more insightful as well.
These questions are non-offensive but still fun and are a great way to get to know someone on a deeper level – don’t forget to ask why when you receive his answer!
- Would you rather hold hands or hug?
- Would you rather kiss me on my cheek or kiss me on my forehead?
- Would you rather hold my hand while you’re driving or put your hand on my thigh?
- Would you rather eat your favorite foods for every meal for the rest of your life or never be able to eat your favorite foods again?
- Would you rather live in a hot or cold region?
- Would you rather be poor and famous or rich with no friends?
- Would you rather be happy and content but not achieve much or never be satisfied but achieve a lot?
- Would you rather stay indoors and chill with your girlfriend or go out with friends?
- Would you rather know everything about something or something about everything?
- Would you rather live in a studio apartment in a big city or a mansion in the countryside?
- Would you rather live without music or play the same song for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather be a bestselling author or a movie star?
- Would you rather be Batman or Superman?
- Would you rather marry a rich girl or the girl you love?
- Would you rather be a fantastic athlete or a mathematical genius?
- Would you rather be funny or good-looking?
- Would you rather be itchy all the time or smelly all the time?
- Would you rather be a dead hero or a living coward?
- Would you rather date Catwoman or Wonder Woman?
- Would you rather be able to read minds or control minds?
- Would you rather lose your leg while saving someone’s life or have someone lose their leg while saving your life?
- Would you rather save a stranger‘s life or your pet’s life?
- Would you rather be stuck in the desert or the Antarctic?
- Would you rather Beyoncé was your mom or Kim Kardashian?
- Would you rather eat Burgers or Pizzas?
- Would you rather adopt a cat or a dog?
- Would you rather receive a phone call or a video call?
- Would you rather watch a comedy or horror movie?
- Would you rather have fame or money?
- Would you rather go back to the past or go forward into the future?
- Would you rather watch a weekly-scheduled tv show or binge-watch a TV show?
- Would you rather work for a large corporation or start your own business?
- Would you rather be a Navy Seal or a CIA Agent?
- Would you rather use earphones or headphones?
- Would you rather be a werewolf or a vampire?
Funny Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriends

‘Would you rather’ often produces hilarious answers to questions. It’s the perfect way to get to know your boyfriend, and have a great laugh in the process.
While the above questions sometimes had a serious side to them, these funny would you rather questions are a bit more light-hearted. They’re also fun to play with family members and friends.
Which ones made you laugh?
- Would you rather puke on a bus trip or have diarrhea on a bus trip?
- Would you rather be a skunk or a dung beetle?
- Would you rather be caught stealing food or money?
- Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster?
- Would you rather be as hairy as a grizzly bear or be completely bald?
- Would you rather be unable to laugh or unable to cry?
- Would you rather be locked in a public restroom or be stuck in an elevator?
- Would you rather be stranded on an island by yourself or with someone that you loathe?
- Would you rather someone puked on you or sneezed in your face?
- Would you rather eat a dead rat or a handful of live worms?
- Would you rather eat a handful of pubic hair or lick a toilet seat?
- Would you rather have a massive hangover at work or at a family dinner?
- Would you rather have fingers for legs or legs for fingers?
- Would you rather lick a horse’s feet or a toilet seat?
- Would you rather lick an armpit or chew a toenail?
- Would you rather lose your eyebrows or your eyelashes?
- Would you rather wear mismatched socks or mismatched shoes?
Hard Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriends

How about something a bit trickier now?
It’s time to get existential … or at least very challenging! Try out these hard would you rather questions for boyfriends and get to the root of the matter, and his mind. You might even solve world peace while you’re at it!
- Would you rather be a shapeshifter or a teleporter?
- Would you rather be a small fish in a big pond or a large fish in a small pond?
- Would you rather be a soldier going off to war or a protester going off to prison?
- Would you rather be able to hear human thoughts or control animals with your mind?
- Would you rather die at war or come back home without your legs?
- Would you rather be hated for doing a good thing or loved for doing a bad thing?
- Would you rather be imprisoned for twenty years in your country or be exiled for life from the country?
- Would you rather break the law to save a life or stay on the right side of the law but watch someone get hurt?
- Would you rather cheat or be cheated on?
- Would you rather die in isolation to save the world from a deadly contagious disease, or would you seek help at the local clinic?
- Would you rather have a million dollars that you cannot spend on yourself or have a million dollars you cannot share with anyone?
- Would you rather have a photographic memory of everything or the ability to delete a memory?
- Would you rather have free electricity for the rest of your life or free Wi-Fi?
- Would you rather have snakes crawling over your body or spiders crawling over your body?
- Would you rather keep the money you found in an unmarked bag or hand it in to the police?
- Would you rather laugh even if you don’t get the joke or risk being laughed at by asking someone to explain?
- Would you rather live a long boring life or a short and exciting one?
- Would you rather live without music or movies?
- Would you rather break up with your best friend or girlfriend?
- Would you rather someone told you the brutal truth or have them lie to protect your feelings?
- Would you rather spend your life savings to save a dying friend or keep it for your future needs?
- Would you rather stop using social media or never watch another movie or TV show?
- Would you rather wake up in the middle of a war or the midst of wild animals?
- Would you rather win a Nobel Prize for Literature or write a New York Times Best Seller?
- Would you rather work for Trump or Putin?
- Would you rather your country opens its borders to fleeing war refugees or close the borders and let them face the risk of dying in their homeland?
- Would you rather give up the internet or your beloved pet?
Crazy Would You Rather Questions for Your Boyfriend

We’re rounding off this compilation of would you rather questions for boyfriends with something a bit crazier.
The following is a list of crazy would you rather questions for your boyfriend. These questions are guaranteed to be bizarre, interesting, and definitely, a step away from the average ‘would you rather’ stuff.
It’s time to sort the men from the boys, here we go…
- Would you rather meet your favorite athlete or your celebrity crush?
- Would you rather go to the moon or fly around the world?
- Would you rather drink your urine once or never drink beer again?
- Would you rather grow your fingernails a meter long or grow your toenails a meter long?
- Would you rather look like a Greek god but sound like Yoda, or have Yoda’s wisdom but look like Chewbacca?
- Would you rather be chased by a lion on land or by a crocodile in the water?
- Would you rather eat only your favorite food for the rest of your life or never be able to eat your favorite food again?
- Would you rather wear a clean inmate’s outfit for the rest of your life or a filthy designer suit for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather die by stoning or be tied to a horse and dragged around a road filled with thorns?
- Would you rather kiss a frog or a pig?
- Would you rather poop a little bit every time you farted or pee a little bit every time you laughed?
- Would you rather a scorpion bit your nose or tongue?
- Would you rather poop watermelons or pineapples?
- Would you rather swim in an ocean of dirty diapers or wear a dirty diaper as a hat for a day?
- Would you rather eat dead flies and swallow a live mouse?
- Would you rather go without your smartphone for a year or not shower for a month?
- Would you rather bathe in lemon juice with papercuts all over your body or kick a cement wall with toothpicks under your toenails?
- Would you rather eat raw chicken or raw meat?
- Would you rather have a cold sore on your lip for the rest of your life or always have a little booger hanging from your nose?
- Would you rather feel like you always have to sneeze but not be able to for the rest of your life or be itchy all over for the rest of your life?
We know you’ll have had fun with these would you rather questions for boyfriends, and hopefully, you guys have had a laugh and gotten to know each other better, too.
Don’t forget to share this with all of your friends so that they don’t miss out on all the fun and the insights – after all, it’s of immediate importance to know whether bae would rather lick a pig or eat a trotter, isn’t it?!
Which questions will you be testing out on your boyfriend? Be sure to let us know in the comments below.
Interested in more would you rather questions?